Selasa, 15 April 2008

Alghazanth - The Polarity Axiom

0000000000000ooo00ooo0000Style: Symphonic Black Metal
0000000000000ooo00ooo0000Origin: Finland
0000000000000ooo00ooo0000Lyrics: Darkness & Occult
0000000000000ooo00ooo0000Year: 2004

1. Soulquake
2. The Herald For Reason
3. Chaos Attributes
4. Blood Beguiles Phantoms
5. Drakomorphos
6. 8th Sphere
7. With Black Aureoles
8. Forsaking The Yoke

DOWNLOAD > Rapidshare

(la portada no sabia muy bien cual era, habia varias...y esta me da miedo ><)

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