Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

In Lingua Mortua - Bellowing Sea - Racked by Tempest

NORTHERN WARRIORS#Style: Melodic Black Metal/Progressive
NORTHERN WARRIORS#Origin: Norway (Hønefoss/Oslo)
NORTHERN WARRIORS#Lyrics: Fantasy, Darkness

In Lingua Mortua was started by Lars F. F. back in 1999. The music was inspired by a wide range of music – everything from Norwegian black metal of the 90’s to prog rock of the 70’s, to jazz of the 50’s, to folk, country, classical music, electronica/trip-hop to film music (film noir and horror in particular) and so on…

The first album, “Bellowing Sea – Racked by Tempest” consists of 8 tracks (about 50 minutes) and was created in 1999/2000. Recordings began in the summer of 2000. Lyrically it’s a mix of Van der Graaf Generator’s “A Plague of Lighthouse keepers” from their 1971 album “Pawn hearts”, Dante’s “Inferno” and Homer’s “Odyssey.

1.Oceanus Procellarum01:55
2.Awe and Terror08:08
5.Lacus Somniorum00:40
6.Winsome to Bestial05:07
7.Sowers of Discord11:07
8.The Melancholy Surge09:14
Total playing time49:35

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